HTML5 is supposed to be what HTML should have been in the first place.
Mosaic wikipedia
The internet will absorb television the way it has telephone
technology. Now if you want to add video to your page you either have to
add a complicated script to your page, embed a YouTube video or have to
open it in a separate application such as Windows Media Player. The
former is not easy and the latter two lack professional polish. HTML5's
If you want to see an example of what will be first sign up for YouTube's HTML5 beta, select "Join the HTML5 Trial". Then close that window, click
and listen to Howlin Wolf ask "How Many More Years?" In theory there
should be no problem but it is still in beta so who knows. ***
With the introduction of IE9 even Microsoft is getting on board
with most of HTML's newer elements. Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari
have complied to most HTML5 standards for some time.
HTML5 is not just the future of web design, it's the present.
Mosaic wikipedia
The first web browser, Mosaic, was introduced in 1993. A year
later Netscape, based on Mosaic, was introduced and the net began to
become popular. HTML was used in both browsers, but there was no "standard" HTML until the introduction of HTML 2.0.
HTML 2.0 was first published in 1995.* HTML 3.0 was published two years later and 4.01 two years after that. HTML 4.01 has been the work horse of the net ever since.
Two groups, the W3C and the WHATWG,
are in charge of developing HTML5. Why two groups? "The WHATWG was
formed in response to the slow development of web standards monitored by
the W3C." wikipedia – In other words they got in a fight and parted ways.
They say they have since kissed and made up. Both groups agree
that it's going to take years to fully implement HTML5, though it will
be in wide use long before then – assuming that, like eColi, they don't
divide and multiply again.
Many on the boards of W3C and WHATWG work for competing browser
companies. Inevitably conflicts of interest (for example MS's brutal
attempt in the late 1990s to control it all - wikipedia), have provoked problems, but I will admit – albeit begrudgingly, that on the whole they have done a reasonably good job.
In many ways HTML5 is not all that different that 4.01. Certain tags, such as the
tag, that were "deprecated" (but worked) in HTML 4.01, don't work in
HTML5. There are a number of other odds and ends that have been changed,
but they tidy up old messes rather than introduce fundamental changes.
Fundamental changes are coming with the development of APIs
that will run in HTML5 – exciting and powerful new tools that will take
the internet places we can't begin to imagine. Also new elements such
as the
, <nav>
and <article>
have been introduced which will help search engines analyze web pages better.<video>
tag will solve that problem. At the
moment no one can agree on what video format to use. Eventually they
will work that out and when they do making and distributing television
programs will be within the reach of everyone who can make videos and
write HTML.
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